Patrik Lindell Photography

I have just come across Patrik Lindell’s photography website his personal projects shown here share a resemblance to my series of photographs from Cardiff Bay

The Best Newspaper Design Creative Competition

The Society for News Design have named i (short for informação) newspaper the worlds best in 2010. The Portuguese newspaper is a colorful, less-than-two-year-old, small-format tabloid paper. It’s innovative design walks the line between newspaper and magazine with perfect balance. The paper delivers traditional newspaper content with new, engaging presentation. It’s smaller than most tabloids and it is saddle-stitched, so it holds together like a magazine. Readers can easily fold pages back, navigate without difficulty and — perhaps — concentrate without the distractions encountered with larger, unbound formats.

i newspaper spread

The publication has a steady grid structure, type and color palette that create a strong platform for difference and surprise. The grid and space look effortless. But there is more complexity than it first appears.

i newspaper

Typography is classic, not trendy. From very large to very small, the principles of scale and contrast apply throughout their type palette. Sans serif feels serious; the serif is more playful. It’s a wonderful contrast.

i nespaper

The Society of News designs verdict of ‘i’ in the competion is as follows:

“What we recognized in this year’s winner was its fresh, unique approach. “i” can inspire visual journalists and publishers anywhere in the world to rethink their models and revise or create new ones that best serve their audiences. They may look nothing like i. It won’t — and shouldn’t — represent everyone’s treatment.

We encourage all designers to apply similar creativity and tenacity to finding their own voice and expressing it with conviction and excellence, no matter the size of the staff or access to other resources”.

i newspaper



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